San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer/1964 Convertible Pontiac Lemans/Guys and cars

July 31, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

San Antonio senior guy sitting next to 1964 PontiacSan Antonio senior guy sitting next to 1964 PontiacSenior Guy sitting next to a 1964 Pontiac San Antonio Senior Guy with Classic CarSan Antonio Senior Guy with Classic CarSenior sitting on 1964 Pontiac Guys and carsGuys and carssenior guy sitting on classic car Senior with convertible carSenior with convertible carsenior with car Guys and Cars


Guys Senior sessions need variety too! Shift your senior photos into high gear with unique photos that incorporate your first car! These photos capture the sense of fun excitement and and adventures that lay ahead in your future. 

Rev up for senior year now by getting those summer vibe feeling photos out of the way so you can cruise into graduation stress free. This high school junior chose a summer green polo and tan khaki linen shorts  to match the summer vibe of the aqua Vintage Classic 1964 Convertible Pontiac Lemans car.

High school juniors I have style guys and pre session planning guides that help you know what not to wear, what colors look best, and how to show your personality and get more get variety and not spin off track.  Gear up, I will  help you plan your what wear with a session questionnaire to get to know you and help you plan all the details. 

High school juniors and seniors start now and be ahead of the traffic jam trying to get everything done before the big push to graduation comes.  


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