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High School Senior/Churchill HS/ PearlUT of Austin Senior PortraitsHigh School Senior Band TromboneSenior/Blanton Museum of ArtHigh School Senior Portraits in FormalsHigh School Senior Dance portraitHigh School Senior Portraits in FormalsWinston Churchill high Senior portraits at the Mc Nay Art MuseumAlamo Heights High School SeniorWinston Churchill high Senior portraits at the Mc Nay Art MuseumWinston Churchill Senior/Pearl BreweryAuburn University Senior/Charles Davis Aerospace BuildingCollege Senior/UT Austin/Blanton hallUT at Austin graduateUT Graduate with blue door Battle HallWinston Churchill high Senior portraits at the Mc Nay Art MuseumUT of Austin graduateSenior/Winston Churchill HS/Band/TromboneHonor Graduate/UT of AustinSenior/Alamo Heights HS/Outdoor location